Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Is it Love? Or Shove? What's it gonna be, people?

It seems pretty unfriendly out here in the cold city...

Someone went out of their way today to tell me that I shoulnt be riding my bike on the sidewalk...I was just trying to live...I only ride up on the sidewalk when I absoulutly have to...but anyway I told them "I do what I need to do to stay safe!" Same as it ever was...

The "greeter" @ my bank that I talk to all the time said one of the branches was held up @ gunpoint recently. Three guys, three guns...they got into the locked area behind the "bulletproof" glass...the "greeter" said they don't pay bank tellers enough to be risking their lives like that besides it's a bullshit job. How much is a life worth anyway?

I was in a Food Court down town recently and these obseesive-compulsive images kept popping into my mind: I don' t want to die crawling on my belly through wreckage/carnage with these people I see around me in this god-forsaken place...earlier in the day I spotted a "Homeland Security" vehicle parked outside. The occupants were eating donuts...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hear u... earlier this evening some cracked out nimrods came in to the shop i work at asking stupid questions, and i was thinking, 'is one of these guys going to pull a gun on me?' 'am i going to get robbed or shot or worse..?' i don't want to go out like that. i can tell u that much.

War Flag

War Flag
the city of brotherly shove...