Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Hit Da Floor!!!

I diligently read "The South Philly Review " every week and as far as crime in the city of brotherly shove goes their report is classic. Bottles used as weapons at bustops, teen muggers on bikes,rapists assaulting victims with weights, and various road rage incidents including teen on child incidents. I am not easily shocked. But one item last week blew my last gasket! The cops caught a guy walkin around near 5th and Reed with an Uzi....that's right A FUCKING UZI!!! ...with 25 in the clip!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Its outta control.... the mayhem that has been defining Philly. Funny how all the age old timeless never gonna leave residents tell me,( and I have heard this more than a few times), how my block used to be all "blank" (lets just say a certain mediterrianean group of people that populated most of South Philly). As if to say the "infiltration",as they say, of various other minority groups has made it an unsettling, crime ridden place. When I happen to describe my irritation with the loud music, booming voices screaming obscenities, physical fights between adults when small children are looking on I get whats becoming a cookie cutter response. The ignorant, disrepectful and just plain old low life attitudes, actions and dangerous illegal activites. ( no details required), all seem to stem from 3 different houses. I am told , "that block used to be all "blank" people", more than a few times. Guess what ? These old school people have it backwards...skewed to coordinate and compliment their own delusions. It just so happens that the people causing the disturbances in this case are the very ones that are being praised as some representative of what makes up a "nice", peaceful neighborhood.... and just because I fall under the umbrella they feel they can share there predjudical opinions with me...WTF?

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War Flag
the city of brotherly shove...