Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Beau Zabel...23, tragic loss...a strike against phillys future...

another promising life lost to gun violence in philly...again...we cannot become numb to the endless tragic and SENSELESS violence.(see Zabel, 23 worked @ Starbucks @ 4th and South.He was new to philly...he moved here from Minnesota in early May to be a Phiadelphia Teaching Fellow. He was shot dead in the 800 block of Ellsworth on his way home from a 12midnight shift .His iPod was taken and his pockets were turned inside out. I am so sorry for him,,his family, friends a co-workers,for the children in Philadelphia's schools who will still need his bright enthusiasm...but I feel most ashamed that the mean streets of my city, Philly, took his young life before it even got a fair start.
My first apartment in Philly was at 10th & Ellsworth...I walked to and from Center City daily,nightly.
when I lived @ 16th & Pine the Center City Jogger ran past on her last 5am jog ever...her body was dumped in a stairwell in the 20 something& Pine area.The list of crimes floods my memory as I blog...some were people i knew and some were strangers but not for long as their untimly violent death sealed a belief in me that we are all in this together and a loss of a human being is undeniably tragic to us ALL.


Anonymous said...

it's a sin AND a shame...philly is getting more and more dangerous.
i know that there was a shooting last week(check out south philly review;you have a link here)around 4th and christian street...the music settlement school had windows shot out and two men were found in the area with gunshot wounds...this was in the afternoon in BROAD DAYLIGHT! i ride my bike on 3rd and 4th street regularly and saw that the cops blocked the entire street off...

Anonymous said...

im relly depressed about that incident...what can we do?

War Flag

War Flag
the city of brotherly shove...